Soylent Green (just eat me !) by Supersly (Les sucres en morceaux)
You can download Soleil vert by Supersly (les sucres en morceaux), a graphic made for the Breakpoint 2010 meeting. By the way,
Soleil vert is the french name of the science-fiction film Solyent Green with Charlton Heston in 1973. A very good film, I recommend seing it if you didnt yet.
This picture uses flipping to get 31 shades of green (CT65 monitor).
The C64 emulator for Iphone is free for a short duration
The Amstrad CPC screenshot and load screen Catalog
On Press Play Then Any Key, you will find the Amstrad CPC screenshot catalog and
the Amtrad CPC load screen catalog by Lex Sparrow and ZX4Ever. But the link below will permit you to download latest version (v1.2).