News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

New version of the Amstrad CPC(+) emulator ACE-DL (01/22) by Roudoudou


New version by Roudoudou of his ACE-DL Amstrad CPC emulator (01/22/2025) :

  • upgraded iMPdraw rom pack to sept 2024
  • new options for EDSK autosave and versioning
  • ability to save Tiles/Sprites in graphic explorer
  • ability to load RASM symbols chunk in Cartridge (get new Rasm!)
  • ability to toggle all execution breakPoints from Trace with key 'T'
  • execution breakPoints in watcher mode are now green in Trace

Flush wishes you a happy new year 2025, an Amstrad CPC demo


Flush wishes you a happy new year 2025 (local download is an Amstrad CPC demo by CheshireCat (code), BDCIron et Yogib33r (graphics), Siko (music).

Youtube video

SplitRaster+ 2025 by Roudoudou, does 1000 colors on Amstrad CPC+ suits you ?


First time I write about SplitRaster+ by Roudoudou even if it was first out in 2019... It's a line command utility for windows, linux and macos which converts PNG pictures for Amstrad CPC+ up to 1000 couleurs ! Yes you did read this number, but seriously usually it will be around 300-500 colors, by using rasters and Amstrad CPC+ hardware sprites.

You can download SplitRaster+ 2025 on Github. I let you check what it can do (extracted from CPCWiki) :

tête de lion sur Amstrad CPC+ avec SplitRaster+

tête de guépard sur Amstrad CPC+ avec SplitRaster+

Amstream in ROM v6 by Abalore supports streaming of Basic programs


Abalore annonced three days ago the v6 ROM for his Amstream card which you can download on CPCWiki.

Amstream is a MX4 card to directly download Amstrad CPC(+) programs from internet. This new ROM version can now also run Locomotive Basic programs. The ROM still prints a v5 version even if it's v6.

Youtube video

RASM v2.3.2 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC RASM (v2.3.2) was released today on Github.

This multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC (for linux, windows, and also for MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC. It's recommended to use it with the new emulator also by Roudoudou : ACE-DL released today, to get symbols and breakpoints importation and much more.

HxC Floppy Emulator Manager v4.2 released by NoRecess


HxC Floppy Emulator Manager v4.2 is available.

It features :

  • CLR key added to move back to root folder while navigating
  • C key added to clear current slot (that was removed since version V3.0 and +)
  • ROM version can be launched with |HXC,0 or |HXC,1 to force physical drive 0 or 1
  • upgraded from SDCC 4.3 to SDCC 4.4

It remains compatible with the 64KB RAM-based machines, and the ROM version is directly available into the AUTOBOOT.HFE file.

21 Grams of Soul by Altanerus Dog, an Amstrad CPC game


21 Grams of Soul by Altanerus Dog is an Amstrad CPC game.

You can download 21 Grams of Sould on Itch.IO as a tape file or as a disk file on CPCWiki.

Incarnate the soul of recently deceased Jocob Still, inmate of Dauer psychiatric hospital on a small remote island. You must manage to leave the place within a maximum of 1 hour, overcoming all obstacles, always avoiding darkness, vermin, or any black object. You can only interact with the electricity, so you'll have to operate certain switches to make it easier for officials to open doors or turn on lights. On your way, the recovery of four wandering souls is required to provide you with the necessary strength to reach the sea and find the light.

Youtube video