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CPCDiskAdapter par LambdaMikel


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CPCDiskAdapter by Michael Wessel is an universal Floppy Disk Drive Adapter for the Amstrad CPC. It's a PCB which lets you connecting disk drives other than the standard Amstrad DD1 / FD1 drives to the CPC via the disk controller, which usually requires some floppy cable mods. Moreover, these mods usually fix the drive to either being CPC A or B drive.

With this adapter board, one can flexibly use the DIP switches to select 2 out of 3 possible disk drives, and flexibly determine which one is A or B. Moreover, no more (destructive) cable mods are required with this board.

The following drives can be used:

  • the standard Amstrad DD1 / FD1 3" floppy
  • standard PC 3.5" floppy (with READY signal if possible)
  • 5.25" floppy (with READY signal if possible)
  • Gotek floppy drive

If the drive does no emit the READY signal, then it can be "faked" by grounding the READY line with the corresponding READY DIP switch (this is a standard CPC floppy cable hack)

PCB du CPCDiskAdapter

câble lecteur disquette

tour de lecteur de disquettes

Amstrad CPC et tour de lecteur de disquettes

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